Diagnodent Pen
DIAGNOdent helps to locate hidden decay underneath the tooth structure, allowing Dr. Welsh & Associates to detect decay at its earliest stage.
How it works
The procedure leverages the use of lasers to expose hidden decay. We glide the non-invasive light over a patient’s teeth. Decay is easily visible when the laser passes over the tooth. The DIAGNOdent also alerts the dentist with a noise to indicate a decayed area.
The benefits of DIAGNOdent
The non-invasive laser allows for a more comfortable examination by reducing the need for probing and prodding by the dentist to discover decay areas. The technology ensures that Dr. Welsh & Associates are able to identify decay at its early stages to prevent its spread and further deterioration.
We believe that modern technology is helping us practice dentistry more efficiently and interactively with our patients. Call us today to schedule your appointment!